About Us

A big hello to fellow playgirlz who either chanced upon this site or specially spent time dropping by here!

This site was initially a blog for two playgirlz to spazz about After School and share their thoughts and feelings about certain performances that they liked.

However, ever since AfterSchoolCraze was closed down, we decided to create something similar to what ASC did.

Although we know that we won’t be as fast as ASC in terms of updating information, and that we do not have any korean translators, all we can offer is our hard work and dedication.

This is our first time creating the site and honestly, we aren’t familar with it.

But still, do enjoy your stay here as we present you download links and streaming videos of After School (usually updated within the same day or at least two days after broadcast). 

Also, do check here for fast and live updates and summaries of the girls at variety shows.

Contact us

-With love, Mihyejung & Sleepysa-

P.S. Do note that we NEITHER have a subbing team NOR entertain requests for subs. Videos will be uploaded based on the uploaders’ free time. Fyi, we’re not paid by Pledis to upload videos. We’re doing this for all Playgirlz for free. Thank you for your understanding.